Monday, June 25, 2012

Thinking outside the box......

When I get a chance, and I wake up naturally around 6am or so on a Saturday morning, I do enjoy jumping in the car to scout out a nearby Yard Sale.

But, I usually look for very specific things. It's either a lamp that needs a new shade or a chandelier that needs a coat of paint.

I don't own a pair of shorts. Well, not really. I own some athletic shorts, but I'm talking about the dress up cute, go out in public kind. It's most likely because of my recent employment as shop owner, but I will say, that a  petite frame with a little.....shall we say....junk in the hard to fit sometimes. Unless I don't mind the shorts past my knees or the gaping waistband when I bend over.

When I headed to a Yard Sale a few weeks ago, I spotted these.....

The tag said "perfect fit" so, I figured I couldn't go wrong ;)

Besides, the person selling them had my shape so I figured I would risk the $1.00 I spent on them and give them a try....

The tag was correct. It was a perfect fit, but missing a little...... happy.

So for 40 cents I purchased these wooden buttons and gave it a face lift.....

And now they smile in their new home :)

This Saturday the hubs and I scored a pair of these concrete planters for $5.00 each.....

We both agreed that our herbs do much better in planters then our soil. Let's hope so, our summers are hot, hot, hot! Later this week, I will show you how to make these....

These dresses are SUPER simple and only take about a half an hour or less to make.

And with all of this..... Life has been full, very full. The girls consume my time, a lot of it, and I wouldn't have it any other way. And because of this, we are downsizing our booth are the Highland's Antique' Mall.

 I absolutely adore our booth, but simply don't have the time to maintain it's size. It will no longer be exclusive to Childen's merchandise, but will be filled with all things cute, inspiring, creative and fun for you to enjoy.

So much more detail on this later, but for now, head on over there for a Downsizing Sale of 50% OFF or Lower (excludes FIRMS). These little Kissy Kissy long sleeve onesies are only $5.00 and in perfect condition!

Hope this adds a little inspiration to your day! Get creative and think outside the box!

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