Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Packing Lunches....

My friend Kathryn inspired this post. Her request....lunches.

For the last 6 years, I have packed my kiddo's lunches. Well, actually, they do a lot of the packing themselves. I do the planning, but if the lunch involves multiple steps then I take over.

It was so easy until a few years ago when they banned "heat ups" in their school, thanks to an event that involved a Hot Pocket and a Firetruck. So with no more microwave options at school, that meant....bring out the cold cuts!

But then, like anyone, my kiddos got burnt out on the ol' PB and J and the like.

Here  is one alternative for a "cold" lunch, for kiddos and adults.

This is what you will need:

Romaine Lettuce
Caesar Dressing
Parmesan Cheese
Grilled Chicken (your own (left overs), or sometimes I buy the bag of Tyson's Frozen fully cooked grilled chicken strips from Sam's)
Mason Jars with lids (we use pint, but you can go up to quart for the adults)

If you are using the frozen chicken strips then pull them out of freezer before hopping in the shower in the morning. I do not let them fully thaw so they stay cold. Remember they are eating this about 4-5 hours after you prepare this.

In the Bottom of your mason jar add about 1 TBLS of dressing (or more if you like)
Top that with your chopped (washed) lettuce. Top the lettuce with your chicken (I cube it). Then top your chicken with the Cheese. Put your top on and place in the lunch box with ice pack.

Then when it is lunch time, your kiddos can shake the jar to mix it all up. This works beautifully, and doesn't get soggy because of the dressing on the bottom. Don't forget to pack them a fork!

On another note- for taco salad, layer the same with salsa or dressing (we use Catalina) but add Sour Cream after lettuce, then meat, then cheese. We also do the same with pasta salad.

Hope this adds a kick of inspiration to your normal everyday cold lunches!


mom23g said...

I never comment on blogs, but this warrants a comment. This is the smartest thing I have seen in awhile. I struggle with lunches for my three daughters (almost the same ages as yours). I cannot wait to try this for their lunches. It is simply ingenious! Thanks for sharing.

Jessica said...

I LOVE this idea! Thanks for sharing it and the tip about the dressing on the bottom!

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