Thursday, July 22, 2010


Two months after Tim and I got married we were pregnant with Jillian.....not so much a surprise..

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Two months after having Jillian, I was pregnant with surprise...

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So for a short 11 months we only had one child. Of course we thought we were the only crazy people on the planet that got pregnant back to back like that. But as I carried my infant child propped on my large belly around public, I heard all the stories like "my sister this..." , "oh, mine were 15mos...", "you know, my friend did the same thing...", things like that. It didn't rule out that I wasn't crazy by any means; just that I wasn't the ONLY crazy person on the planet!

Well, this past Monday, I said my goodbyes to my two older girls as they headed off to camp. Tim has been traveling quite a bit, so this past week, it has just been me + one!

me and liz 002

The one on one time has been so much fun! I need to take the time to do this more often with my girls. This has been perfect timing, because my little Elizabeth will be starting her adventure in First Grade this year, and so I will miss her so. She may be my "Miss Independent", but she is attached to my hip, so it will be an adjustment for us both for sure!

We took a trip to Mobile the beginning of the week to visit my brother and love of his precious baby Camille! My camera was out of batteries, so no pics sorry :(

We have enjoyed many dates out to eat......

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Today, we will enjoy a date to the movies, and tomorrow on her 7th birthday, I am taking her to her favorite place (mine too!), where she can spend the day doing this......

lizzy beach

The number ONE maybe called the loneliest number, but this week it has been a joy!

1 comment:

Our Big Adventure!! said...

Beautiful girls!! I see you in all of them :)

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