Thursday, August 22, 2013


for those of you not quite there yet.... #TBT means Throw Back Thursday.... it's where we revisit the past through photos.

This was just a couple years ago, but photos of that day are some of my favorite. It's amazing how much our girls have grown in such a short time.

This home school year is almost kicking my butt. Seriously, it is challenging me, in a good way, but still a challenge. My days are consumed at the moment with unanswered emails, phone calls, FB messages and texts (sorry peeps!). Because these three in the pic need my full attention. I move from one school station to the next, then to the kitchen, laundry room and occasionally the bathroom :)

It's time to start another day. My perspective is better today. I am ready for the challenge, I just had to get over myself this week. Design work and decorating is about take a back burner.....a very back burner.

That Chick on the left, has made GREAT strides over the last 2 years. She has gone from a kindergarten grade level to almost fully into her expected grade level. Her world has been rocked this week, as she finally tackles what all the other children her age do in school. She is one tough cookie. When we both feel like crying, sometimes we do, but we don't quit.

Teaching a child with multiple learning disorders is an absolute challenge,but also a tremendous blessing, because we get to see first hand, great rewards. We get to see and experience God's goodness to us through our struggles. I feel like crying sometimes every day, and flash backs of preschool flood my mind on the days she couldn't remember the letter "s" or the color "red" and all I wanted to do was scream. For two years, we have dug deep to find out how this chick learns. We haven't mastered it yet, but we are VERY close.

Silly Lizzy
Elizabeth age 6

 One day, I hope to blog about it. One day, I hope to share our struggles I noticed by her age of two. I hope to share with you strategies and, it's okay for your child to lay on her stomach on her exercise ball to do spelling...or spin on her stool while doing math, or let her go through 5 peppermints while I, or she reads so she can comprehend the story. And even let her answer a few questions like- Question: What did the story tell you people do on Labor Day? her answer: Plant a tree....... because that's what she would do. Was that in the Did she get that answer wrong...yes, according to the computer and curriculum ...yes. But if she wanted to plant a tree on Labor Day, I don't see anything wrong with that. She's one of my hero's. She knows how to keep perspective. She fights hard. She loves life and people.....and the word hard work is beside a huge smiley face in her dictionary.

The Big girls are rocking 8th grade like a pro. So thankful for the K12 program we are using for all three of them. It helps this mama BIG time. If it wasn't for it, I don't think we would be Home Schooling them this year. They've grown up so much over the last year. So glad to have them home with me another year before they head off to High School. They keep me on my toes and I'm thankful for them.

Happy Thursday y'all :)

1 comment:

faithdownunder said...

I'm proud of you Katie!

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