Monday, January 3, 2011


I stood in the hallway of our church waiting on Tim and the girls to meet me. I stood listening. I heard the doors open. One by one I listened.


"Hey, how are you?"

"Good morning, how are you?"

"Happy New Years, How are you?"


Over and over again I heard this question to me and others as they went down the hallway.


Most every response was the typical, "fine, how are you?". "oh better now that it's stopped raining." "Yes, well we needed it.", "Yes, indeed we did." and so forth.


Sometimes I wonder if that conversation ever stuck in that person's head. If you were asked if you talked to so and so that day, would you even remember that conversation?


I have sadly found myself in this same boat and as I look back at Twenty-Ten, I search deep in the corners of my mind and heart to remember real, meaningful conversations in the hallways of my life and honestly and sadly Twenty-Ten was emptier then hoped.


I am not blaming, for I am the only one to be blamed. I have chosen to hold back, to be reserved and to make the small talk. I had become weary and therefore I had chosen to not be intentional.


When, Tim asked me what are some things I would like to do and see in Twenty-Eleven, without hesitation my heart cried out for change. I want to do more. I want to accomplish great things. I want to grow. I want to love. I want to be intentional.

greats and grands

I have new fire under my feet.

Changes are going to be made. Creativity is going to blossom. Life is going to grow.

With God's Help, by His Grace and Wisdom, I am going to seek to be Intentional in ALL things.

I humbly ask for prayers as I seek to not grow weary in being intentional in Twenty-Eleven.

"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer." Psalms 19:14


JMW said...

What a thought-provoking post. And I love the photos you chose to accompany your comments. Yes, we should all consider this resolution for 2011. :)

Kelly said...

So beautifully said. Especially meaningful to me as I chose a word and goal for 2011, rather than resolutions, and mine was "Intentional". I desire to be intentional in everything I do this year, and value the moments God has blessed me with.

Praying 2011 is full of great moments for you!

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