Monday, March 22, 2010

a sign of fun times......

before I get to the title of my post let me first show you a few more pics of Jillian's "modeling session" from Wednesday!
Jillian Bby Nay1
Both of these dresses have been a FAVORITE and have sold very well! They are also both from one of my all time favorite lines Baby Nay!
Jillian Baby Nay1
Jillian thinks they are perfect beach dresses! I agree! They are easy easy! Just throw it on an head down to the beach!
Speaking of beach! We took an adventure on Friday.......
girls beach1
The day was GLORIOUS!!!! There is nothing like awwwing over God's creation then to sit on the sandy shore and glance at the beautiful sea!
Often when I come home after working a Saturday I find Tim and the girls a mess and sometimes looking like this! I normally respond with "looks like you guys have had a fun time"! This is Elizabeth's Shirt after Friday's digging in the sand, eating chocolate ice cream and rolling down the green 100 times at one of our favorite places to go....
random 0291
I had just finished "shout(ing)" her shirt before tossing it in the washer only to say "Elizabeth, look at your shirt!", to which she replied "Well, looks like we had a fun time!".....and fun we did!
"Coupon Monday" below is on ANYTHING ocean related! Swimsuits, sea creature stuffed animals, sunglasses, beach towels, pirates, crabs, get the picture!!! See you soon!!!!
ocean coupon

1 comment:

JMW said...

Thanks for leaving the information about the dresses on my blog. I may be in touch soon about some frocks for my little one (who happens to share your daughter's name!)

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